Afends - Question Everything

Afends - Question Everything

Afends - Question Everything

Born in 2006 in the small coastal town of Byron Bay, Australia, Afends was founded by Declan Wise and Jonathan Salfield off the back of a small screen printing business they originally created as 20-something year olds to print band merchandise for punk and hardcore bands.

Afends goal is to ensure sustainability is at the forefront of the design process for every Afends product. Designing with sustainability in mind allows for the ideology to continue throughout all of the stages of the value chain.

After nine years of designing, Deco & Jono began investigating ways of promoting sustainability to consumers as well as the surf and fashion industries where things had become less and less eco-friendly with the rapid growth of fast fashion and use of unsustainable materials. After some exploration and experimentation with the natural choice and all around miracle plant, Hemp, Afends created their first range of Hemp Clothing, and to this day continues to create, promote and expand the Hemp Revolution.

Afends philosophy ‘Question Everything’ is about inspiring people to question what they hear and see, to educate themselves so they can make their own choices, develop their own opinions and have their own unique voice.


We love that philosophy!